Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Post & Explanation

A discussion on another blog provoked me to create this one.  The discussion included the frank confession of two preachers that they struggled with their faith while trying to perform their jobs as ministers.  This is heartbreaking to me, because I've experienced the same struggles myself. 

I know the three of us are not alone.  While there is extra pressure on church leaders, the pressure is felt by all - and it hurts. 

The purpose of this blog is (in order of importance):
  1. to help people strengthen/increase their faith
  2. to provide a place for anonymous, non-judgmental confession
  3. to give me practice writing for what I hope will one day be a book on this subject
I hope to make this a sort of "12-step group" for those who struggle with their faith.  I know from experience and the bible - that the material here is true. 

Some of the things I'll write will be poorly written or poorly expressed.  I'll apologize for that now, and ask that if "I sing out of tune," you won't "walk out on me," but give me the grace to grow together along with you. 

In one word, this site is: Hope